
I didn't make my goal of finishing Derek and Gina's story by the end of March. In fact, it's now mid-April and I'm only about half way through.

It was a highly ambitious goal, in fact it was overly ambitious, but I knew that when I set it. And that's perfectly fine with me. I knew it was unlikely I'd finish a book, even a novella, in less than sixty days. I work full-time and have a family, along with a side business. I'm Busy. But I wanted to set the goal to see if I could do it, and I do this often with my writing. I'm sure some people will say this puts me in a situation where I'll be constantly failing, never accomplishing my goals, but I don't see it that way. I need to always have something out there, in the distance, that I'm striving for or else I get bored and restless. I'm the type of person who always needs to feel challenged, even if I'm the one setting the challenge. The high of accomplishing the goal wears off quickly for me, so instead I stretch out the challenge, even if it means setting impossible goals. I know, I'm messing with my own head, but it works for me.

So, time to set a new goal! I'm not even going to be so silly as to say the end of April. No way, no how is that going to happen. My anniversary is next weekend and we've got plans to celebrate ten years together on Friday and Saturday, which means I'll need Sunday to recover. I'm thinking May 15th. Another thirty days. I've got quite a bit written that needs to be typed, and the next thing up is a spanking/sex scene and those go pretty quickly once I start...so May 15th it is. We'll see if I make this one!


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