
Showing posts from 2017

I've been neglectful

Wow! I haven't posted anything since November 2015. I knew it had been awhile, but almost two years? So what's happened since then? I released my first self published book, Finding Dom. It's my take on kinky dating in real life, and is the first in a series. I'm in the process of updating and re-releasing my Chances of Discipline Series. They've been revised and have gorgeous new covers. My children have continued to grow and are both almost taller than me. My Evil Day Job continues to be just that-stressful and soul sucking. And I'm turning 40 in less than three weeks. Which I'm really not sad about. I have no complaints in my life, except that I'd prefer to be home writing all day and not sitting in an office, but who wouldn't? I've got some other ideas brewing in my head than I'm hoping to exorcise this fall, but we'll see how far I get. They're pretty fully formed so perhaps the words will just flow out onto the paper......